Staff Notes: Hancock and Gilbert Receive Local Honors
Logan Hancock
After winning the 80th Annual World Champion Duck Calling Contest, EFS’s Logan Hancock has been honored from the City of Monticello and Arkansas House of Representatives. Monticello’s Mayor Zack Tucker proclaimed December 7, 2015 as Logan Hancock day in the City of Monticello and Arkansas State Representative Shellia Lampkin presented Logan with a citation from the House of Representatives acknowledging his achievement in the competition.

December 07, 2015 – Logan Hancock was honored by Monticello’s Mayor, Zack Tucker, proclaiming December 7, 2015 was Logan Hancock Day in the City of Monticello.

Logan Hancock with State Representative Shellia Lampkin at the 2015 Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Monticello Economic Development Banquet.
Michael Gilbert
At the 2015 Monticello Chamber of Commerce/Economic Development banquet EFS’s Michael Gilbert was named Drew County’s 2015 Outstanding Young Leader of the Year. Michael was chosen for the award based on his contribution to the community through volunteering with his church and other programs.

Logan Hancock and Michael Gilbert at the Drew County MEDC/Chamber of Commerce Banquet.
EFS GeoTechnologies is an Aerial Photography and GIS Services company based in Monticello, Arkansas. To learn more about EFS please visit Also, to receive updates from EFS you can follow them at Facebook and Twitter.