Stop by EFS GeoTechnologies’ Booth (#212) and visit with Glen Dabney (President) and James Hartshorn (Director, Product Development) at the GITA Oil & Gas Pipeline Conference to sign up for your chance to win a new Google Nexus 7! EFS GeoTechnologies has been meeting the needs of clients since 1983. We have the skills, professional staff, state of the art equipment and software to meet the needs of your most demanding aerial photography projects. We provide affordable & timely solutions to a wide range of clients across the United States on projects of all sizes. Projects are varied and often include ortho, cadastral mapping, HCA, pipeline right of way, corridor mapping, GIS, forestry, emergency responseand others.
- High Resolution Aerial Imagery
- Geographic Information Systems/EDGE
- Emergency Response
- Land Use/Land Cover Classification
We look forward to seeing you there!
Contact EFS GeoTechnologies today with any immediate needs that you may have. Contact for more information. |
Google Nexus 7

Stunning 7″ display
Less charging, more doing
Quad-core performance
600,000 apps and games |