Voter Administration with EFS EDGE

May 13th, 20145 Comments


Craighead County officials continue to add EFS EDGE to their daily workflows to help them better serve the residents of Craighead County.  EFS recently added their newly updated voting precincts to EDGE and received the following comment from Lesli Penny, Craighead County Deputy Clerk, “Thank you so much! We are using them today as voters have received new ID cards and all are not happy with new polling locations. Your maps make verification of addresses easier for us! Again, thank you!”    EDGE allows the County Clerk’s office to not only view their voting administration boundaries with absolute detail but also use physical address point data to assist with requests from the public on which voting precinct they reside in.  The moment a new address is entered into EDGE it is made viewable to the other County officials and employees who have access to the system.  Voter administration is handled through the Clerk Tool which allows for all Voting Districts to be listed for any given location by a single click of the mouse.


EFS GeoTechnologies is an Aerial Photography and GIS Services company based in Monticello, Arkansas. To learn more about EFS please visit  Also, to receive updates from EFS you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.



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